radiohead scrapbook

Saturday, July 29, 2006

current attempts

1: Are you strong, healthy and full-blooded?
2: Do you lack self esteem, and feel that you need to prove yourself?
3: When you are ill, do you fear dying?
4: Do you react badly to shock?
5: Are you fiercely protective of your environment?
6: Do you spend hours frantically sorting things out, but fail to accomplish much?
7: Are you irritable, nervous, and hard to please?
8: Are you restless and morose?
9: Do you have a morbid imagination?
10: Do you prefer to be left alone?
11: Are you fit and healthy?
12: Are you lively and entertaining?
13: Do you ever become violent and obstinate, then bite and kick?
14: Are you sensitive to light, noise, movement, or being touched?
15: Do you set high goals for yourself?
16: Do you have an excessive sense of duty?
17: Do you often feel that you haven't done as well as you should have?
18: Are you sensitive to the opinions of others?
19: Do you ever despair?
20: Are you very materialistic?
21: Do you see life as a struggle for financial security?
22: Do you have a great fear of poverty?
23: Are you clean-living, critical, and meticulous?
24: Do you become irritable, anxious and depressed if you feel threatened?
25: Can you not understand what is wrong?
26: Are you friendly and open?
27: Do you feel that nothing is right?
28: Are you restless?
29: Do you dislike routine?
30: Do you have trouble getting up in the morning?
31: Do you lack interest in current affairs?
32: Do you fear the supernatural?
33: Do you prefer daylight to darkness?
34: Do you have very fixed ideas?
35: Have you never felt really well?
36: Are you often tired, and feel that you lack energy?
37: Is your memory patchy?
38: Are you hypersensitive, idealistic, and easily offended?
39: Is your personality intensely artistic?
40: Do you have difficulty expressing your feelings to others?
41: Are you creative, and sensitive to nature?
42: Do you dislike social chat?
43: Do you prefer to talk about meaningful issues?
44: Do you ever become lazy, depressed, irritable, edgy or violent?
45: Are you extremely imaginative, especially at night?
46: Are you excitable, extroverted, forceful and talkative?
47: Do you have a strong fear of death or insanity?
48: Are you reserved, with a strong sense of right and wrong?
49: Do you become upset if you are contradicted?
50: Are you serious and self-critical?
51: Do you express your feelings?
52: Do you become angry and destructive when you surpress your sexual urges?
53: Are you thin?
54: Are you open-natured and alert?
55: Are you a heavy smoker?
56: Do you tend to be cowardly?
57: Dur to mental weaknesses, fears and phobias, are you unable to lead an active life?
58: Are you overweight, flabby and pale?
59: Are you rather depressed?
60: Are you vulnerable and sensitive to pain?
61: Are you conservative, extrovert and perceptive?
62: Are you a stickler for detail?
63: Do you eat, sleep and work according to a strict routine?
64: Are you a strong conformist?
65: Do you tend toward narrow-mindedness and self-interest?
66: Are you easily upset by bad news?
67: Are you exhausted by overwork and stress?
68: Do you have an inability to stop working?
69: Do you have a tendency to manipulate others?
70: Are you cheerful, jokey, quick-witted and good company?
71: Are you serious and hardworking, but feel an inner restlessness?
72: Do you exhibit compulsive and ritualistic behaviour?
73: Do you have a marked lack of self esteem?
74: Do you spend a lot of energy presenting a pleasing image to the world?
75: Are you sensitive and depressed?


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